Thursday, March 14, 2013

'I thought I was the world's worst mum': Stacey Solomon reveals the depth of her postnatal depression as a teenage mother

'I thought I was the world's worst mum': Stacey Solomon reveals the depth of her postnatal depression as a teenage mother

  • One in 10 new mothers experiences post-natal depression (PND)
  • The numbers are even higher for teenage mothers
  • Stacey Solomon had her first child aged 18
  • She said:'I was crying my eyes out thinking I can't make toast, how am I going to look after a baby if I can't even make toast'

By Deni Kirkova


'I don't ever want Zach (pictured) to think that I didn't love him. That's the last thing that I would ever want'

'I don't ever want Zach (pictured) to think that I didn't love him. That's the last thing that I would ever want'

Feeling low, helplessly unable to cope and having difficulty sleeping are just some of the symptoms of post-natal depression (PND).

TV star and X Factor finalist Stacey Solomon has opened up about her very personal experience of the illness saying she felt 'her life was over' after having first son Zach aged 18, and says young women are afraid to ask for help because of the stigma.

She says the condition suffered by one in 10 new mothers is still shrouded in false ideas and rarely spoken about with brutal honesty.

'Everyone says that having a baby is the happiest time of your life. It wasn't like that for me,' she told the BBC.

'If anything happens to you after you've given birth it's just brushed under the carpet because you're a teenager and you shouldn't have done it, you shouldn't have put yourself in that position in the first place.'

PND rates among teenage mothers are higher than average and Solomon believes there is lack of understanding and empathy in society towards them.

'I remember just crying my eyes out thinking I can't make toast, how am I going to look after a baby if I can't even make toast,' says Solomon.

'Now I look back and I think what an idiot, what was wrong with me, but at the time it was so sad. I just thought I'm the worst mum in the world.'

23-year-old Solomon felt that she could not tell anyone because of the assumptions associated to the illness and to young mothers, and the 'social myth' that a new mother should instantly fall in love and bond with their child.

Stacey gazes at her newborn baby Leighton while walking him around a park in Essex last year

While Solomon still suffers bouts of guilt over her PND she managed to overcame the illness and did not suffer with it after the birth of her second son Leighton in May last year.

'I don't ever want [Zach] to think that I didn't love him ever,' says Solomon, 'that's the last thing that I would ever want because I did, obviously I did. I just didn't feel that straight away. It was really difficult to feel that straight away, and I hope that in time that doesn't hurt him by knowing that.'

Nowadays Solomon isn't afraid to share her experiences and speak out about PND and is 'not embarrassed or ashamed' to admit it.

She wants other young women to be able to speak out too about the illness and be able to receive the support and guidance they need - but says there needs to be more help and support groups out there.

BBC Three will be running a season of programmes about childbirth from 18 - 28 March

Solomon did not suffer with the illness after the birth of her second son Leighton (right) in May last year

Solomon did not suffer with the illness after the birth of her second son Leighton (right) in May last year

What is postnatal depression?

Postnatal depression is a type of depression some women experience after they have had a baby.

It usually develops in the first four to six weeks after childbirth, although in some cases it may not develop for several months.

There are many symptoms of postnatal depression, such as low mood, feeling unable to cope and difficulty sleeping, but many women are not aware they have the condition.

It's common to experience mood changes, irritability and episodes of tearfulness after birth â€" the so-called baby blues. These normally clear up within a few weeks. But if a woman experiences persistent symptoms, it could well be the result of postnatal depression.

It is important for partners, family and friends to recognise signs of postnatal depression as early as possible and seek professional advice.

Read more information about the signs and symptoms of postnatal depression.

It's very important to understand that postnatal depression is an illness. Having it does not mean you do not love or care for your baby.

Postnatal depression is an illness. Having it does not mean you do not love or care for your baby

Postnatal depression is an illness. Having it does not mean you do not love or care for your baby


Treating postnatal depression: Advice from the NHS

Postnatal depression can be lonely, distressing and frightening, but there are many treatments available. As long as postnatal depression is recognised and treated, it is a temporary condition you can recover from.

It is very important to seek treatment if you think you (or your partner) have postnatal depression.

The condition is unlikely to get better by itself quickly and it could impact on the care of the baby.

Treatment includes:

  • Self-help advice
  • Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Antidepressant medication

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