Thursday, March 7, 2013

Justin Bieber 'almost collapses' with breathing difficulties during latest O2 concert... but completes the show 'despite doctors' orders'

Justin Bieber 'almost collapses' with breathing difficulties during latest O2 concert... but completes the show 'despite doctors' orders'

  • Bieber disappeared from stage for 15 minutes after collapsing and experiencing 'breathing difficulties'

  • Doctors reportedly wanted him to stop the show but he insisted on finishing the concert for his fans before heading to the hospital

  • Justin denies being two hours late for debut O2 gig

  • Star was 30 minutes early for second gig

  • A source close to Justin says accounts of his tantrums beforehand are 'wildly exaggerated'

By Hanna Flint, Lucy Buckland and Kimberley Dadds


Singer Justin Bieber had to halt his show at London's O2 on Thursday night after collapsing and 'experiencing breathing difficulties' on stage.

The Baby hitmaker, who has had a controversial run at the concert venue this week, reportedly had to rush off stage and was looked at by doctors... but 15 minutes later he was back finishing the show in front of his fans.

And his manager Scooter Braun revealed while Bieber was missing from the stage that doctors had asked him to get looked at properly, but he insisted on coming out to finish the set regardless, before then heading to a hospital.

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In hospital: Justin Bieber collapsed on stage on Thursday night after 'experiencing breathing difficulties' and was taken to hospital - after firstly completing his set

In hospital: Justin Bieber collapsed on stage on Thursday night after 'experiencing breathing difficulties' and was taken to hospital - after firstly completing his set

Feeling better: After being taken to hospital following the gig, Justin tweeted his fans to thank them for their support

Feeling better: After being taken to hospital following the gig, Justin tweeted his fans to thank them for their support

In a move that some fans are cynically suggesting could have been a PR move for the star, Scooter told the audience: 'Justin got quite light of breath. The whole show he's been complaining, he's backstage with the doctor.

'They're telling him that they want him to go see somebody and see what's going on with his lungs.

'(But) He has just told me that if it's okay with you guys he's going to come out and finish the show. Alright?'

'Creepy': Bieber posted this picture of the hospital corridor after finishing the show to be checked out by doctors

'Creepy': Bieber posted this picture of the hospital corridor after finishing the show to be checked out by doctors

Trooper: Justin Bieber reportedly nearly collapsed on stage on Thursday after experiencing breathing problems - but 15 minutes later came on to finish the set for his fans

Trooper: Justin Bieber reportedly nearly collapsed on stage on Thursday after experiencing breathing problems - but 15 minutes later came on to finish the set for his fans

Gamer: Justin Bieber was apparently two hours late to his show on Monday because he was playing video games and woke up late

Gamer: Justin Bieber was apparently two hours late to his show on Monday because he was playing video games and woke up late

And in a nod to the controversy surrounding Bieber from earlier this week when he angered parents and fans by showing up late for his debut gig, Scooter added: 'So he might not be jumping around as much but if you guys could be patient with us. We're not trying to be disrespectful, we're not trying to get you guys home late. We're truly trying to put on a show for these beautiful people of London.

'Just bear with us - he's going to come out very soon and we'll do the best we can to finish the show.'

Following the concert Bieber was reportedly taken to hospital to get checked but left in high spirits.

Shortly after 1am he wrote to his fans on Twitter: 'Getting better. thanks for everyone pulling me thru tonight. best fans in the world. figuring out what happened. thanks for the love.'

Diva: A source close to the star told Heat magazine that the Canadian threw a tantrum before the Monday night show at the O2

Diva: A source close to the star told Heat magazine that the Canadian threw a tantrum before the Monday night show at the O2

He then posted a picture of himself from his hospital bed in recovery, as well as a picture of the hospital corridor he labelled 'creepy'.

Bieber was two hours late for his debut show at the O2 on Monday after reportedly 'throwing a massive tantrum', ranting at worried staff: 'It's my gig, I will go out when I want to' - it has been claimed.

According to backstage sources Justin, 19, was in a foul mood after waking up late because of a night out and the 'stroppy youngster locked himself in his dre ssing room to play computer games'.

Despite being accused of coming onstage two hours after he was billed to, with hundreds of upset teenagers leaving before getting the chance to see their idol, Justin said he was only 40 minutes late on Monday - blaming technical difficulties and saying the gig was 'great'.

Tardy: Despite fans complaining, Bieber still maintains he was only 40 minutes late to stage

Tardy: Despite fans complaining, Bieber still maintains he was only 40 minutes late to stage

One O2 worker, who did not want to be named, told The Sun: 'He was arguing with members of his management, his family. It was a really uncomfortable atmosphere. His attitude was, "I’m the star and I can do what I want"'.

Another worker, Ellie Grace, said: 'I hope I never have to experience so many upset children and disappointed fans again.'

Speaking to Heat magazine, an insider said the 19-year old refused to go onstage before showering, despite desperate pleas from hi s management to perform.

Curious: Wearing two expensive watches it's a wonder how Justin couldn't see he was late to his own concert

Curious: Wearing two expensive watches it's a wonder how Justin couldn't see he was late to his own concert

Another backstage source added: 'His lateness was because he didn’t get out of bed until late and sat in his dressing room playing games - even though his door was being knocked.'

'He then threw a strop as he said he wanted a shower first, despite already being late.'

It is thought Justin arrived at the O2 arena at 3pm 'to do some meet and greets' but he was suffering after a ' heavy night at his hotel.

But the great audience at the O2 weren't the only ones to be disappointed.

A 15-year old fan - who did not want to be named for fear of backlash from the Belieber community - was 'blanked' by her musical hero even though she had won a competition to meet him before the show.

The unhappy girl told Heat that she and her friends, waited for three hours to see Justin.

However, when their idol finally arrived, they say he spent 'less than ten seconds' with him.

She also claims the singer declined to give her a hug, ironically telling his fan 'I don't have time.'

A source close to Justin said: 'There was no competition winner that we knew or approved of.'

'If it was a radio contest winner who got a meet and greet, they got the same amount of time as everyone else and exactly what was promised.'

The rest of the accounts are 'wildly exaggerated or just untrue.'

Even an O2 staff member witnessed Justin's alleged diva-like behaviour:

'He was arguing with members of his management, his family. It was a really uncomfortable atmosphere.

His attitude was, "I’m the star and I can do what I want".'

Despite a wealth of attendees confirming his two hour delay to stage, the Canadian star still maintains he only kept his fans waiting for 40 minutes.

Party doesn't stop! After his show, Justin heads out for another 'good time' in London

Party doesn't stop! After his show, Justin heads out for another 'good time' in London

'Last night i was scheduled after 3 opening acts to go on stage at 935 not 830 but because of some technical issues i got on at' the singer tweeted.

Digital Spy also reported that the star is being asked to pay a £300,000 fine to Greenwich Council for causing the gig to run past the 11pm closing time.

However, a Royal Borough of Greenwich spokesperson said: '[We] have not taken any action against the owners of The O2 in relation to Justin Bieber’s recent performance, as no breach of our licensing conditions took place.'

'I never have any intent to upset or let anyone down. and Im not okay with things being exaggerated. once again sorry for anyone upset.(sic)'

But to ensure the backlash didn't continue, the following night's performance saw Justin arrive on stage two minutes early, according to his official Twitter page.

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