Thursday, March 7, 2013

The rise of the GROOMZILLA: Modern men are now as hands-on with weddings as brides-to-be

The rise of the GROOMZILLA: Modern men are now as hands-on with weddings as brides-to-be

  • Over half the grooms polled say they had final say on the date and venue of the wedding
  • 60% of couples said grooms were much more hands-on in wedding planning than they were years ago
  • A third of grooms helped to choose the cake
  • One in 20 had a say in the floral arrangements
  • 42% think men are just as competent as women are at planning a wedding

By Katy Winter


Grooms are now more involved than ever with the organisation of their big day

Grooms are now more involved than ever with the organisation of their big day

Modern grooms are now as hands-on with weddings as brides-to-be - even helping choose the flowers, according to a survey.

Researchers found today's men are more involved than ever before, shattering the old stereotype of 'let me know what time it is and I'll be there'.

Over half the men polled had the final say in the date of their big day while 56 per cent chose the venue.

One in 20 even had a say in the floral arrangements while a third helped choose the cake.

Other jobs grooms took charge of organising included hiring the band, suits for the best men, ushers and dads and choosing the wedding car.

A third also put themselves in charge of haggling with suppliers to get the best price, the study by Austin Reed wedding hire-wear found.

A spokes man said: 'It makes sense for the bride and groom to take tackle things as a team.

‘This research shows most couples tackle the arrangements for the big day jointly.

‘There has always been an assumption that it's brides who call the shots regarding the big day, but due to the huge cost of weddings it now makes sense that the responsibility is shared.

‘Naturally there are going to be elements of any wedding which are more suited to the bride or groom.

‘But it is important that there is room for the groom to stand out on his big day too.’

The study found some traditions are still alive with 52 per cent of brides saying their parents contributed to their wedding.

And while most of the bill is now paid by the bride and groom, 44 per cent of grooms' parents are chipping in towards the cost of the big day.

Over half of grooms say they had the final say in the venue of the big day

Over half of grooms say they had the final say in the venue of the big day

Grandparents also make a contribution with one in 20 on the groom's side helping out and one in 10 on the bride's side.

Three quarters of newly-married couples said they do not regret the money they spent on their wedding and rated it the happiest day of their lives.

Nearly 60 per cent of couples said grooms were much more hands-on in wedding planning than they were years ago.

Of those, 58 per cent said they take much more planning now due to the sheer scale and cost of a modern day wedding.

The rise of the Groomzilla may cause many brides to lose patience with their other half!

The rise of the Groomzilla may cause many brides to lose patience with their other half!

And a quarter said men are just as 'out to impress' friends and family as females are.

The poll of 2,000 people who have been married in the last five years found 42 per cent think men are just as competent as women are at planning a wedding.

A further 59 per cent said organising their wedding completely took over their life and 25 per cent did much of the planning in work time.

A third of those polled said they took control of what concerned them the most and 41 per cent had specific areas they were in charge of.

One in five men said the most important element of a good wedding was getting everyone tipsy and 52 per cent said it was having all their friends and family in one place

For the bride however, a third said a 'knock-out dress' was the most important aspect of a wedding to remember while 32 per cent said it was having the sun shining.

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