- Donna, 36, noticed huge protruding veins after second pregnancy
- Underwent removal procedures on Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies
- Finally feels 'confident and sexy' for first time
A mother who suffered years of humiliation because of large varicose veins protruding from her vulva has finally regained her confidence after undergoing an operation to have them removed on Embarrassing Bodies.
Donna, 36, noticed huge veins on her legs at the age of 13, and when she compared them to her sisters realised she wasn't 'normal'.
At 17 she had the leg veins stripped, which worked for a few years, but they eventually reappeared. It was during her second pregnancy four years ago that she discovered the veins emerging from her vulva.
Donna noticed huge veins on her legs at the age of 13 and after her second pregnancy discovered them in her vulva, which she finds rather embarrassing
Before and after: Even though Donna is young and fit with a good body, she claims her legs look like those of a 95-year-old woman and the results of her operation are clear to see
Donna says when she's having sex with her husband the veins get in the way and can be painful.
She said: 'I never thought I'd be embarrassed in front of my husband but I am because it sticks out between my legs.
'It looks like a clitoris hanging, but it is not. I know that but I don't think my partner realises; I feel a bit like a freak.'
Even though Donna is young and fit with a good body, she claims her legs look like those of a 95-year-old woman.Â
She says the veins in her legs and vulva can swell and be very painful, and trousers or long dresses are the only thing she feels comfortable in because she knows her legs are hidden.Â
Donna says she just wants to feel like the 36-year-old that she is and if the veins on her vulva are corrected, she’ll have a pain free sex life with her husband
Even wearing tights isn’t an option as her 'bumpy' legs look even worse, and on holiday she won’t wear bikinis, shorts or skirts as everyone notices her legs. When sunbathing she always covers her legs with a towel.Â
Donna says she just wants is to feel like the 36-year-old she is, and if the veins on her vulva are corrected she’ll have a pain free sex life with her husband.
SHe says that if the veins on her legs can be mended she’ll be able to wear what she wants, not feel self-conscious or embarrassed any more, and will be more confident to get on with her life.
Donna went to see Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Mr Mark Whiteley at The Whiteley Clinic in Guildford.
She had her consultation, a duplex ultrasound scan of both legs, a transvaginal scan with Judy Holdstock (Chief Sonographer) and a second consultation with Mr Whiteley to discuss her scan results.
Mr Whiteley confirmed that three out of Donna's four pelvic veins were varicose and referred her to his colleague Mr Tony Lopez.Â
Donna underwent her pelvic vein treatment with Dr Tony Lopez at BMI Mount Alvernia in Guildford and he successfully blocked off Donna’s pelvic veins using coil embolization (inserting platinum coils which irritate the vein wall and causes blood to essential ly clot, rendering the vein redundant).
Donna then went back to the Whiteley Clinic to have her leg vein treatment with Mr Mark Whiteley.
Treatment: Donna underwent her pelvic vein treatment and then had her leg veins burned off
Following the procedures to remove the veins, Donna says she feels much more confident around her husband
Speaking about the results of her treatment she said: 'I am really pleased, my legs are perfect with no lumps.
'Before it was like the vein was filled with blood but now it isn't, it used to look like the back of a crocodile.'
She added: 'I feel more confident. The other day I walked around with a little shirt on just with knickers and that's the first time I have felt confident and sexy around my husband.'
See Donna's full story tonight on Embarrassing Bodies, 9pm on Channel 4
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