Monday, March 18, 2013

Stroke victim Jodi Ann Bickley, 24, finds inner strength by writing love letters to complete strangers via her blog

Stroke victim Jodi Ann Bickley, 24, finds inner strength by writing love letters to complete strangers via her blog

  • Jodi Ann Bickley, 24, from Birmingham suffered a stroke and brain infection
  • She is now bed bound and uses her time to write letters to strangers
  • Asks people to email her a reason why they need a pick-me-up letter
  • Has already written to 500 people

By Bianca London


Words used to come easily for young poet Jodi Ann Bickley.

She was hosting regular music and poetry nights, introducing established performers such as Ed Sheeran, and her talent even led to a meeting with Tony Blair.

But aged 23 she suffered a stroke and brain infection which robbed her of the ability to write.

Poet: Jodi Ann Bickley set up a website called 'a million lovely letters' after suffering a stroke to remind total strangers just how amazing they are

Poet: Jodi Ann Bickley set up a website called 'a million lovely letters' after suffering a stroke to remind total strangers just how amazing they are

The 24-year-old from Kings Heath, Birmingham was bitten by a tick while performing at the music and arts festival Bestival in summer 2011.

Sadly for Jodi she was one of the one-in-200,000 for whom the bite developed into encephalitis and within three weeks she was struck down with headaches and vertigo which triggered a stroke that left her partially paralysed down her right side, leaving her unable to walk or write.

But the writer refused to let her ill health steal her passion and in secret she learned to write again and is now touching the hearts of hundreds of strangers by writing them lovely little letters to let them know just how special they are.

On her website,, Jodi explains that since being taken ill with a brain infection she suffers really bad headaches, dizziness and she feels like she's 'strapped to a lead balloon', spending much of her time indoors.

One million lovely letters: Jodi has already sent out 500 letters to people to brighten up their day and encourages people to contact her on her website

One million lovely letters: Jodi has already sent out 500 letters to people to brighten up their day and encourages people to contact her on her website

She writes: 'I have to spend a lot of time in bed and in my house and have a tendency on my good days to want to get everything I possibly can done, which I soon get reminded by my brain isn’t possible,'

'When given so much time you can do one of two things you can sit and let the pain and the rubbish that comes with it consume you or you can do something ace.'

She continues: 'I’ve recently been blessed with a lot of time. We always say we don’t have enough of it â€" how we would love more of it and how it seem to flies.

'I know that sometimes people just need a little reminder by someone that they are just amazing and that’s what I want to do with the time that I’ve been given.'

Talented: Not letting her illness get the better of her, Jodi decided to put her time to good use and taught herself to write again

Jodi then decided to put her time to good use by writing complete strangers a little letter, or 'hug in an envelope' as she puts it, to remind them of just how amazing they are.

She writes: 'In the UK alone there are 62,641,000 people, in the whole wide world there are 7,038,044,500. The average person has 3 close friends and 19 “mates” so take that off and you are still left with seven billion thirty-eight million forty-four thousand four hundred and seventy eight strangers. 

'And all of those strangers have at least one day where they could use a little lift.'

She encourages website visitors to email her, include their name and address and why they would like a letter, for example: 'I’m feeling a little glum'.

Pen and paper: Jodi has gone back to the old school method of communication and rather than writing virtually, she has penned these lovely notes to people then posted them across the country

'Anything really, just why you need a little cheering up or a reminder that actually you are really lovely,'

'I think everyone deserves to know that they are thought of and they are loved.

'Even if it is by a complete stranger,' she adds.

And it seems that the kind-hearted poet's idea is really paying off.

One user wrote on her website: 'I have just received one of your lovely letters, two days before going to court to have my home repossessed, and though I have tried to remain positive your letter, though it made me cry, really helped.

'I want to say thank you. Houses come and go, but love is what really matters and that is what I will hold onto'.

If you would like a letter you can email Jodi at:


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